Virtual Conference
The Workshop-School on Agents, Environments, and Applications (WESAAC) aims to integrate researchers and students at all levels in Agents and Agent Systems and publicize the activities of the various research groups in Brazil, enabling the exchange of knowledge and experiences. The event consists of Workshops and Lectures given by experienced researchers and presentations of Complete Papers and Extended Abstracts.
The area of agent-based systems is widely known and has numerous papers published internationally every year. However, nationally there are few events in this area and no other national event also provides tutorials and short courses specifically on the main topics of research within Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. WESAAC is therefore of great importance as a national event in this area, aiming to both prepare future generations of Brazilian researchers and to disseminate the current projects of Brazilian researchers. WESAAC aims to be a forum for the discussion of work at all levels, including undergraduate, MSc, and PhD projects currently being conducted. Fundamentally, WESAAC is the best opportunity for Brazilian undergraduate and especially graduate students to attend courses by some of the most prominent researchers working in this area throughout the world.
Topics of Interest
Papers submitted to the event should address topics related to autonomous agents or multi-agent systems, such as (but not restricted to):
- agent architectures and theories (BDI, belief revision, automated reasoning)
- cooperation/coordination (negotiation, argumentation, reputation)
- agent-based software development (programming languages, platforms, tools, methodologies)
- agent organizations, societal issues, normative systems, etc.
- agent communication
- social simulations and agent-based simulation
- (formal) specification and verification of multi-agent systems
- machine learning in agent systems
- automated planning in agent systems
- applications of agents and multi-agent systems
Conference Chair
Carlos Eduardo Pantoja (CEFET/RJ)
Program Chair
Maicon Zatelli (UFSC)
Maiquel de Brito (UFSC)
Keynote Speakers
Andrei Ciortea (University of St. Gallen)
Tobias Ahlbrecht (Clausthal University of Technology)
Rafael Bordini (PUC-RS)
Jomi Hübner (UFSC)
Jürgen Dix (Clausthal University of Technology)
Niklas Fiekas (Clausthal University of Technology)
Tabajara Krausburg (PUC-RS)